4 responses

  1. Charity
    December 31, 2020

    Hello there, thank you so much for sharing this. this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this.  Reading about this article Mika pot review a detailed buyers guild sounds really interesting. The review was well written and detailed. I enjoyed reading this article. 


    • Michael
      January 2, 2021

      Charity, I’m pleased you learned and enjoyed my Moka coffee method of making great tasting coffee


  2. Cynthia
    January 3, 2021

    I love a good cup of coffee!  I have seen these coffee makers before but I had no idea how they worked or why they were different.  It’s interesting that the is pushed up through the water as opposed to dripping down through it. Is there a reason that up is better than down?  

    Since I can only get one…I’m going to get the Alessi Pulcina.  I think it has the coolest look to it!


    • Michael
      January 3, 2021

      Cynthia, thank you for your comments. So, the Moka pot has 3 chambers, the bottom chamber holds the water which is pushed upward under pressure through the middle chamber which holds the coffee grounds to the top chamber which holds the coffee brew. When you pour the coffee , it comes out through the top chamber. That is why the water comes upward. The Moka pot I described in the article are made in Italy where coffee is a way of life, and the coffee and pots are perfected. The pulchina you liked is a piece of art which makes incredible coffee.



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