A Review of Illy IperEspresso Capsules

Keurig’s K-Cup and Nespresso are currently popular in the the K-cup and smart capsule market, but they are not the only capsules on the market. We have smart capsule products currently in the market place like Starbucks’s Verismo, Nespresso’s Original Line brewers, and the IperEspresso capsules lineup from the top Italian coffee producer Illy Cafe.

While visiting Las Vegas with my family a while back we stopped at the Illy Café for breakfast. They had the best coffee and crepes for breakfast and I still remember it well. Illy coffee is an internationally well-known and reputable brand of coffee especially since it’s being manufactured in Italy where it ranks number one just above Lavazza brand and where coffee is a way of life. Illy coffee is available at various stores in the US, and around the world.

In a cafe, what really matters is the speed at which the coffee is brewed and the flavor and aroma that is produced. And we always try to reproduce the cafe barista style coffee in our kitchen to always have a consistently flavorful and aromatic coffee each time we brew it. That is why I research and review different brews and processes for customers to make an informed decision.

What I noticed, is that Illy coffee grind is pricier. But I always believed that you always get what you paid for. If you don’t have issues with paying a small increment in price which it’s much cheaper than any cafe or Starbucks, you can go on to shop for a coffee maker that is compatible with the IperEspresso capsules, which I will show later.

The Illy Capsules



This is a type of capsule that only works with the Illy capsule coffee maker.  Rather than the one-step mining that we have with other capsule systems and coffee makers, the Illy Espresso capsule system uses a 2-step method for the extraction of coffee. The Illy capsule process brews high quality espresso in a simplistic way.

Most capsule systems use a one-stage process, but Illy iperEspresso capsule system uses a, patented two-stage process. This process creates an aromatic espresso with a rich crema. The capsules make for quick cup with no mess to clean up.

The result of the system is more refined and makes a superior cup of Joe than the other brands available. After tasting several flavors, I enjoyed the flavor depth with different notes like chocolate.

Illy coffee capsules results in a higher quality and a purer coffee flavor than the rest. If we put together the feature of the raw materials used in making the coffee and the system used for the brewing, we can easily say this is the best coffee capsule brand in the world. We ave tried most coffee capsules, and Illy is superior in taste and flavor. I really believe that you get what you pay for.

If you want to use the Illy capsule or you have their coffee maker, one of the ways to get started and save money is to buy in volume. For example, if you buy a pack of coffee capsules, you get about 100 units, and the price per capsule is less.

What are the other options we have when it comes to coffee choices?

When you use Illy coffee capsules, you will have some various options that you can choose from. Some options include Dark Roast, Medium Roast, Lungo, and Decaffeinated Roast and more.





  • Illy Intenso Dark Roast Capsules

Illy coffee Intenso capsule is a full-bodied coffee and it is intense; the coffee capsule has a cocoa aroma and dried fruit. The type of capsule is best suited for the lovers of round and robust coffee. You can find this coffee capsule in the Illy catalog, and it can be identified by its color, dark brown,burgundy or black in color.





  • Illy Medium Roast Capsules

The medium roast coffee capsule is softer than what we have in the dark roast coffee capsule. Illy coffee capsules have a balanced taste, and it is rich. Illy medium coffee capsule has some sweetness with notes of jasmine, chocolate and some caramel taste. You can find this coffee in the Illy catalog and you can recognize the coffee by its red color.






  • Illy Lungo Espresso Capsules

You can also find this coffee capsule in the Illy catalog, and it is identified by its unique blue color. This type of coffee capsule is best suited for people who will like to enjoy a larger size of espresso.

The properties and aroma of the Lungo Espresso are similar to the medium roast capsules in larger size. The blue color can identify the medium roast capsule




  • Illy Decaffeinated Coffee Capsules

This coffee has its own unique green color, which makes it easier to differentiate it from others. This coffee capsule is popular in the Illy catalog; this is because they are proud and speak highly of the quality of this coffee capsule. The Illy Decaf, is a good fit for the coffee lovers who want to give up caffeine, but not the smooth taste of authentic Italian espresso. The decaf coffee that is produced by Illy comes with less than 0.1% caffeine, and has a note of caramel flavor. Container includes 14 individually packed capsules.


Arabica Origins of Taste

Most manufacturers don’t have the premium Arabica coffee selections origin, as they don’t include this pricier option on their list. With the Arabica specialty selection origins, Illy chose to offer customers coffee from 4 different countries, and each coffee has its own different flavor and aroma.

The first one coffee on the list is from Ethiopia; this coffee has an aromatic taste that is delicate and it has a gentle tone of jasmine in it. The second option is from Brazil; this coffee has a full flavor taste that is intense. It has some notes of caramel in it.

The third one is from Guatemala; this coffee comes with a balanced bold taste and some notes of chocolate. And the last one is from Columbia; this coffee comes with a balanced taste that is smooth and intense. Illy coffee has some notes of citrus fruit in it.

The International capsules I mentioned above are of premium and high quality, and each of this specialty coffee has excellence and it’s own specific taste and flavor. Some of the top coffee growing countries in the world are represented below. I tasted them all and I have my own preference, but this is an individual and personal  flavor and taste preference. The best way to choose is by trying them all and make your own personal choice for taste and flavor.  Picking a good flavor is an individual choice.





The Colombia capsules contains single origin coffee with notes of citrus aroma. This Arabica coffee is smooth and it has a light sweetness taste.






The Brazilian Arabica coffee has a rich and intense taste. Brazil is the largest Arabica coffee grower and has a perfect climate for this intense Arabica flavor that has notes of caramel aroma. Coffee lovers that like deep flavor will enjoy this brew.









The Guatemalan coffee is also from Arabica beans which is grown in a perfect climate for this type of coffee beans. This is a more complex coffee with a balanced acidity, and strong notes of chocolate aroma.







Ethiopia has a great reputation for premium Arabica coffee bean producer. its unique flavor is delicate and and not so intense. The Etiopia coffee has s smooth and has floral notes.



Illy Capsules Compatibility

To prepare coffee with iperEspresso coffee capsules you also need an iperEspresso Coffee Machine

Good taste, consistency, ease to use, and speed to brew are taken care of when you are buying an Illy capsule. These capsules are designed for the Illy coffee makers.

If you are or will be using Illy’s IperEspresso great coffee, you should check out their coffee brewers made in Italy for coffee lovers world wide. Illy has two brands, Illy coffee makers and Francis coffee makers models that are popular and produce good tasting coffee; they are suitable for both home users and coffee shops. Francis Brand, has been purchased by Illy Company. The coffee makers below may carry either identity.




There is a small modern design model called the Y3.3; it can be used at home. Illy coffee maker comes with a metal construction and a cup warmer.

This is a minimalist coffee maker that gives you both options by preparing either a regular coffee or espresso capsule with a simple touch of a button. Not too many coffee makers has both options.










The next model is the Y5; this model is available in a few configurations and is larger than the Y3.2. Illy coffee maker is a sturdy all-metal build device, and it comes with an automated coffee volume controller. The Y5 coffee maker can be used to make both coffee and espresso capsules. The model you decide to go for will depend on what your needs are from a personal coffee maker.



Illy Top-end Coffee Makers Are Special




There are higher models available. One of them is the popular retro-looking X7.1, which comes with a steam wand for milk, and a cup warmer. The beautiful retro designed coffee maker has high reviews and it’s for the lovers of cappuccino and other milk-based, mixed coffee recipes. It has a retro look and feel, and is compact in any kitchen. This machine can brew regular coffee, or use IperEspresso capsules.






The last coffee maker on our list is the X9; we’re moving from a retro unit to a state-of-the-art form and function design coffee maker.  Some features of the device appliance include an all-metal build construction, adjustable cup sizes, a cup warmer. This coffee maker is used only with IperEspresso capsules. It single button simple operation and it comes in red, and aluminum colors.




How is the Illy Coffee Capsule sold?

The Illy coffee capsules often come in cans, boxes, or individually wrapped plastic bags. The cans are metal and they are sealed up; they are airtight to keep the capsules fresh. Each can contain 21 capsules. The carton coxes contain 14, 18, or 100 capsules

The cost of the coffee capsule is volume discounted and it’s cheaper to get the 100 capsule offers. Illy coffee capsule is sold at the rate of 50 cents per coffee capsule that you buy. This rate is the same for the capsules that are packaged in a can and those that are packaged in a box.

You can decide to buy the retail size of the coffee capsule, which means you are buying an individual capsule. The retail price of the coffee capsule will be higher than the pack price.

Where Can You Buy the Illy Coffee Capsule?

The best and convenient way to buy the Illy coffee capsule is to buy them online which is a simple and easy process. It’s easier to purchase online because the brand provides a large variety of products, as well as subscription programs if you never want to miss a morning without that cup of coffee.

Illy brand is growing in stores, but currently Illy coffee is not widely distributed in retail stores. This makes shopping online the best way to buy this excellent and popular coffee product.

The Takeaway

Illy coffee is the top coffee in Italy followed by Lavazza. Illy capsule is one of the best coffee capsules that you can find out there. This coffee maker offers its customers a wide range of coffee options to choose from with its own individual great taste and flavor coffee capsule. Try the full range of different varieties to get a feel for the the best coffee that fits your taste.

I recommend the high-quality Illy capsules coffee  and coffee makers for you, the coffee lover.

If you have any comments, please leave them below, I’d love to hear from you. If you’re a coffee lover and a dog lover check these pet supplements.


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4 thoughts on “A Review of Illy IperEspresso Capsules”

  1. Hello there, thank you so much for sharing this. this is a very awesome piece and a very detailed one. I’m really happy I came across this.  Reading about this article a complete review of lily iperespresso capsules sounds really interesting. This article was well written and detailed. I enjoyed learning about this. It was indeed helpful 

  2. Great, informative article and I am not even a coffee lover! However, on the odd occasion that I do buy a good coffee, I appreciate all the comments you made with regard to getting a quick yet perfect coffee.

    I particularly like the ease of ordering either the pods/coffee itself or even better, the coffee maker!

    Very well written and interesting post.

    • Thank you for you your comments. If you ever decide to try some coffee. I can tell you that coffee made in Italy is is great tasting because coffee is a way of life in Italy and they perfected the process and their coffee makers.  Thank you


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