How to Make a Good Pot of Coffee




Coffee is being enjoyed in many homes all over the world. It is refreshing, energizing, contains health benefits and it’s something to look forward each morning, with breakfast, as a traveling companion to work, or as a way of warming up on a cold day.

Making a good pot of coffee may seem like a very easy task, but I like to tell you that there are a lot of factors to consider while preparing it.

The greatest factor that makes a difference when making a cup of coffee is the quality beans used to brew the coffee. Next, it’s your equipment that makes a difference as part of the preparation; good equipment will ensure that the output of your brew has the best coffee extraction.

Using a coffee maker will simplify your coffee brewing for you, serving friends, guests, or family members. If you are preparing more than one round of coffee, you should always clean your equipment after each round from contamination and freshness

Brewing the Coffee

1. Select How Much Coffee You Want to Make

The standard volume of a small cup is about 180ml. This is small when compared to what is being served at cafés or fast food restaurants. If you want to start your day with coffee, you will need a few ingredients to prepare the size you want.

You will need to make an estimate of the amount of coffee you need. Take a count of the average coffee per person and use this in making your estimate. Ratios are very important in coffee brewing.

-If you are planning to make a medium cup of coffee, you will need to brew about 240ml. This is similar to most places that serve coffee. Most mugs in the US are this size

-If you want a large cup of coffee, then you will need to brew about 300ml of coffee per cup.

-When using the coffee machine, you can read the measurement guidelines. Most coffee makers have a measurement scale on them; this will help you know the precise amount of coffee you are making.

2. Add Filtered Water to the Reservoir on the Coffee Maker             fill-water

The coffee reservoir is a transparent plastic container that is usually placed by the side of the machine or on top of it. This reservoir has a lid cover and to fill it with water, you have to open the lid to do so. Make sure you are using filtered water

An average coffee maker reservoir has a volume of 1300ml. The volume of the reservoir can vary from machine to machine, so there is every possibility that the size of yours is different. You can measure the volume of yours by using a measuring cup to calibrate the reservoir

3. Place a Filter inside the Machine over the drip Coffee Pot

There is a holster in front of the coffee maker; place your coffee pot in it. Open the cover of the pot; there should be a cavity that leads to the inner part of the cup. You are to place the filter paper in the space with it facing up.

-The filter paper should fit perfectly into space; most coffee makers use round filters. The filter paper  is usually 20cm in diameter

-You don’t need to pour water inside the filter to make it flow; you can carry this process out if you want to. Many baristas believe that pouring water inside the filter paper first will result in a better coffee brew.

4. Pour Coffee Grounds into the Filter and Close the Machine

As I mentioned earlier, a standard cup of coffee will need about 180ml of filtered water. If you use coffee beans, you must to grind them first if you use a pout-over coffee maker. Then you need to add the ground coffee inside the filter paper.

-Use this as the standard; if you will be preparing 1300ml of coffee, you will need 16 teaspoons of coffee

-If you want a stronger coffee, then you need to increase the number of teaspoons of ground coffee, and if you want a less concentrated coffee, use fewer coffee grounds.

You can first make a small cup of coffee to see the results. After tasting it, you can then adjust the amount of coffee you want to use.

5. Press the Start Button and Wait for Up to 12 Minutes

After filling the filter with coffee powder, you have to push the start button for the coffee to start brewing.

A normal coffee maker takes 5 minutes to brew a cup of coffee; it will take longer for higher amounts of coffee. Once your coffee maker heats the water, you will start seeing the coffee drip out.

-You should remember that if you are not using a machine to brew your coffee, you will need to pour hot water yourself. And you will need to wait for about 4 to 5 minutes.

6. Serve and Enjoy the Coffee While it is Hot

If you are not serving it right away, you can keep the coffee in a carafe. This will keep the coffee warm for about 45 minutes. Do not re-heat the coffee again.

Using the Right Beans


1. Choose Arabica Beans for a More Flavored Cup of Coffee

There are 2 types of coffee beans you can use; Arabica and Robusta beans. Arabica coffee is the best and the highest quality, and it’s less bitter.

-The taste of the coffee does not depend on the type of beans only; the way they are grown also matters. Don’t be surprised if you end up liking Robusta beans which forms that nice crema on top of an espresso coffee

-Robusta coffee has more caffeine and hence gives the coffee a more bitter taste. Sometimes different types of coffee requires a good blend or mix of Arabica and Robusta beans. Espresso, and Cappuccino coffee is made better with a coffee blend because it makes an awesome crema.

2. Pick a Country of Origin According to Your Taste Preference

Coffee is being enjoyed all over the world and the beans are grown all over as well. These coffee beans from different parts of the world taste different from each other due to the different environments they grow in. Coffee lovers try out different beans and which one fits them best.

  • The coffee from Africa is often concentrated, has a Robust taste, and it’s compared to grapes
  • The coffee from South America has a very sweet taste and people compare it to chocolate
  • Brazil and Columbia are known for growing large quantity of quality coffee beans.
  • Coffee grown in Hawaii and Asia are of higher quality, and the taste is sweet and compared to flowers.

3. Select a Lighter or Darker Roast which Differs in Flavor and Aroma

All the coffee that we currently use has been roasted. The black-looking one has been roasted for a long time while the light one was only roasted for a short period. The dark beans taste more like roast while the light beans taste like lighter coffee.

  • Dark-looking coffee means it was roasted for longer periods of time, and it tastes stronger, and its more bitter
  • Medium or light  roast coffee had the beans roasted for a short period. This coffee is sweeter and lighter in strength and flavor.

4. Use Coffee within One Month of the Roast Package Date

Once the coffee has been roasted, it begins to lose its flavor quickly over time because of oxidation. It’s always best to grind enough coffee for one week of brewing and store the coffee grind and beans in coffee canisters for freshness.

AirScape-StorageUsing fresh coffee will provide you with the best-tasting and aromatic coffee. In other words, the best coffee is best when fresh and with the least shelf life.

5. Store Beans in a Sealed Container Away from Sunlight

Things like light, air, water, heat, and light, will alter the taste of the coffee. So storing your coffee is a critical component to keep coffee fresh for better taste, and flavor.



6. Select a Grind Size if You Are Using Grounds

If you are preparing the coffee from scratch, then you will need to grind it to a particular size, which depends on the type of coffee maker you are using.

For a drip type of coffee maker, it is advisable to use medium coarseness. Each coffee maker provides clear instructions for grinding coarseness.

Choosing Quality Water and Equipment







1. Drip Machine as an Automatic Coffee Maker

The easiest way to make coffee is to use the drip machine; you just put all the ingredients, and it does the rest for you. You need less effort when using it.





2. Get an Espresso if You Want a Quicker and Better Tasting Coffee

If you want to make coffee faster, you can buy an espresso coffee maker that fits most budgets. It’s one of the fastest ways to make coffee. Espresso machines are single-serve coffee makers.

When you use good quality beans or high-end capsules, your coffee will come out great and you will taste the difference.


3. Pick Paper Filters that Fit the Coffee Maker

There are different types of filter paper; the bleached, and the unbleached. Many people believe that bleached filters produce good coffee, but in reality, they both produce good coffee. Go for the least cost paper filters.

4. Use Fresh or Filtered Water

Filtered water is the best type of water to use for coffee brewing. You can also use tap water, but it usually has minerals which alter the taste of the coffee. It helps if you install an inexpensive water filter at home.

Cleaning Your Equipment

  • Rinse the coffee pot with soap and water after each use so there is no contamination for the next use
  • Brush coffee grounds out of the grinder after using it. It prolongs the life of the grinder if kept clean
  • Wash out the coffee maker with vinegar once a week.

The Takeaway



A cup of Joe is a very refreshing and invigorating beverage to sip in the morning. But to get that great taste, there are many factors involved as I previously explained.

If you follow the methods that have been listed above, you will be able to make coffee with great flavor, and taste every time. Happy sipping!

If you have any comments, please leave them below, I’d love to hear from you. If you’re a coffee lover and a dog lover check these pet supplements.

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10 thoughts on “How to Make a Good Pot of Coffee”

  1. Hello there, One thing I always put in mind is the water application and Coffee-to-Water Ratio. A general guideline is called the “Golden Ratio” – one to two tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of water, And this has really been helping me to make the best pot of coffee.

  2. Learning how to make a good pot of coffee is an art! There are so many details that I find one needs to pay attention to. I certainly like to enjoy a good cup of coffee, but sometimes, I don’t have that much time to brew one. I don’t have a coffee machine at home but I have a manual type (not quite sure the actual term being used) where I will place the coffee powder in a round paper filter that is inserted into a glass funnel where I will then pour hot water in and let it drip. 

    I’m not sure if I learned it right, but I was told that the water temperature should be above 80 degrees celsius to really get the best flavor out. And I’m glad to learn from this post where I am already using filtered water for brewing. 

    • Richard, thank you for your comments. It sounds like you are a coffee lover, and you are using a drip coffee maker which makes really good coffee. Take a look at some other articles on my site when you have time, and you will learn how to make gourmet coffee rapid, and inexpensive. 

  3. I love coffee as in every aspect of it. I drink it in the morning, have it in the afternoon and i even have a cup of coffee with my dessert with my dinner. I have never thought about using a coffee machine because I am so used to using the French Press. Which one do you think tastes better? I also love espresso so I do have the espresso machine over my stove as well. 

    • Hi Nuttanee. I’m glad you enjoyed my article, and it’s most likely because you are a coffee lover. I wrote a couple of informative articles on French Press on my site. I believe that French Press produces the most pure and most flavorful coffee. That’s because there is no filter in this coffee maker. All the oils, flavor aroma, and taste stays in the carafe. I give it a 10/10.  I also love my Nespresso machine because of the rich crema it produces.


  4. I used to be a huge coffee lover back when I was in college. It was the only thing that could help me out on a nightly finale exams routine but after that period of my life ended I somehow stopped drinking coffee for a couple of years until this summer when I decided to start my mornings with vanilla tasting home made coffee and I have to admit I have missed this taste so much. I’m quite interesting in the coffee machine that you use because the one I’m currently using isn’t as good as I thought it would be. 

    • Stephanie thank you for your comments. You reminded me of my college days when I was drinking lots of coffee specially when I pulling all nighters before midterms. I wrote many informative articles on how to pick the right coffee maker if you are interested. Thank you


  5. Great article! I love coffee. It takes a certain level of passion and skill to make a great-tasting cup of coffee which you have outlined so well in your article. I have purchased and used Arabica beans to make my coffee. I have not heard of Robusta beans until now – I will certainly give them a try.

    • Thank you for your nice comments. As a coffee lover myself, I agree with you that proper coffee preparation makes a difference. My article for Arabica vs. Robusta beans outlines that Arabica is the better coffee beans, unless you like your coffee more bitter, and you use it for espresso. It may be an interesting article for you. Thank you.



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