What’s the best coffee maker – How do you pick one?

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If you are a coffee lover, then you need to know what’s the best coffee maker for you, and how do you pick one . Regardless of which coffee maker you pick, the coffee making method is basically the same, where ground coffee mixes with the water, then it extracts the flavor and aroma from the beans.

The beans are held in a filter, then the water drains right through, so clean coffee is delivered to the cup. The process may seem the same, but the results have a different outcome of smoothness, aroma, flavor, and strength, based on different coffee makers.

Everything during the brewing process affects flavors extracted from the ground beans’, the duration of the water that is in contact with the beans’ will affect the strength of the coffee. Each coffee maker will use different methods for stirring the grounds, and others process the water over the coffee rather than flooding the beans’ method.

My point is that just about each coffee maker can have a different result for your cup of Joe.

Ahhhh…that morning great cup of Joe for many people stand for the beginning of a great new day or taking that much-needed mid day break. There are definitely multiples of ways to enjoy that nectar of gods, just as there are there’s as hundreds of ways to make that delicious cup of gourmet coffee. If you are curious to know how to use different coffee machines, then follow me!

How many types of Coffee Makers are there?

Today’s markets have a very diversified types of Coffee makers. There are manual electric coffee makers, single cup, electric drip, some include grinders, there are various capsule brewing types, and some are extremely sophisticated and have many options to brew that cup of Joe in just one press of a button. Ice coffee makers are different, and they use cold water to make a  cold brew that’s ready to drink as-is.

Prices can be as low as $35 for manual, non-electric, to several thousand dollars for highly sophisticated fully automatic coffee espresso machines. So, lets, see what factors are important to you in a coffee maker!



What Do You Look For In a Coffee Maker?

Comfort & Benefits:

If you like an automatic coffee making experience when you wake up, and you want the cup of Joe ready for you when you wake up, or you would prefer brewing your own perfect cup of morning coffee? An automatic fully loaded option coffee maker can have your coffee ground, brewed, and poured in your cup by the time you wake up. Other automated electric machines will require additional manual steps, and yet, they will operate with the push of a few buttons.

The manual pour-over coffee makers, like French press brewers, and stove top espresso pots, will require manual steps for that perfect nectar of the gods. On the other hand, capsule machines provides all the coffee needs for households that drinks different type, strength and aroma of coffee in single mugs.

Type of Coffee:

In today’s market place, coffee makers and espresso machines are separate and individual coffee machines, but currently its more common place to find hybrid machines that can provide both types of coffee in one individual coffee machine.

The hybrid coffee maker will provide a cost option, and a space saver in a kitchen. Pod coffee makers provides the hybrid option but will not produce the highest quality of your favorite coffee.

Coffee Amount:

Many coffee machines can make the single cup, or a full size carafe, based on total needs in a household. If you live alone, you get your single serve mug of coffee, if family members have different wake up times, they will need single cups at different times of the day. You do not want to have a full carafe of brewed gourmet coffee sit for a while before individuals will finish it throughout the day.

It will lose flavor, aroma, and it will not taste as fresh as if it was just brewed. While some coffee makers provides a wide range of brew sizes, others have a much narrower range of options to offer. Coffee machines that produce larger quantities of coffee, are great for people who drink it all day, for big family breakfasts, brunch with the neighbors, or other activities that require lots of coffee.


If you have a household that drinks coffee throughout the day you can have a coffee maker with a thermal carafe that will keep the coffee piping hot no matter the time of day. For those that just drink a cup of Joe in the morning, then the rest of the coffee in glass carafe with a warming plate should suffice for the rest of the day, but most coffee drinkers don’t like the burnt taste the warmers can cause if left on for too long.

For coffee drinkers, that are running out the door in the morning, a pod, or capsule coffee maker can get you a quick cup, without any problems if the machine is left on all day.

Coffee Maker Size:

I purchased a great electric coffee maker, which I loved until I realized the coffee machine did not fit on any of my kitchen counters because the cabinets were sitting too low. So, if the machine doesn’t fit in the reserved space you designated, it can cause some major issues. Correct measurements of the kitchen space must be taken before choosing your preferred coffee maker which includes space you may need to open the top of the machine to add water and grounds.

We don’t always think about this, but the second size you need to account for, is the mug size your machine is designed for. In our family we have two coffee makers, and only one of them will accommodate my travel tumblers, and taller mugs.

Custom Brewing Options:

If you’re happy with a great cup of Joe, then you may be happy with a good and inexpensive basic no frills’ coffee machine that has fewer options and just a lid for coffee grounds or water, while more sophisticated and multiple option coffee machines let you choose the water temperature, coffee strength, and a wide variety of coffee types, and mug sizes. Capsule coffee machines provides good coffee, or espresso brews, from a relatively inexpensive easy to manage coffee maker.

Extra Features:

Some high end coffee makers are very sophisticated, and include options for programmed brewing at specific times, keep-warm, auto-shutoff, auto clean and descale. These machines will let you know when the coffee is brewed, and most of the electric models have most of their functionality controls through a simple touch screen.

These machines may include milk frothing, bean grinding, and notifications when the machine needs to be cleaned. Espresso machines and hybrid coffee/espresso coffee makers, offers the most sophisticated options, but usually there is a price associated with it.

The Best Coffee Maker that fits Me

Non-Electric Brewers


In recent years, many improvements have been made to reduce energy consumption in housewares. Based on the same idea, a number of coffee and espresso makers have been engineered to operate manually without electricity. These non-electric coffee makers category makes a big difference for those people looking for a more Eco-friendly and more involved brewing experience for home or travel. The coffee extraction from these brewers is excellent.

Electric Drip Coffee Makers



Drip coffee makers take a simplistic approach to coffee machines that brews coffee. The coffee made by an automatic coffee maker, usually contains a carafe and a holding tank full of ground coffee with water hot water dripping on it. Ground coffee is poured into the machine through a filter. The water is poured in the water tank till is filled, and is heated through a heating element, forcing it upwards. The water is forced up to a shower head is then dripped onto the filter full of ground coffee. The result is the coffee flowing out into a carafe. Quite simple.

Single-Serve Coffee Machines


Single serve coffee makers have been very popular in the market because their easy to handle, and work well for people on the go, college students, or anyone that doesn’t have the time to brew and want their quick cup of Joe. These machines have been very strong and popular in Europe. And the Reason? If you compare to capsule and pods machines, they’re just as fast, more options and no plastic waste (Eco-friendly).

The cost per mug of coffee is much lower for ground coffee than that of a capsule produced cup. There are single serve coffee makers that use capsules, but the cost per coffee will add up, but these machines, will make that cup of Joe much faster with great flavor. On some higher end units you have more control and options such as the coffee strength, the temperature and, the grind size to get the most flavor out of those fresh ground whole beans.

All are easily programmable to deliver exactly the amount of coffee you want. These coffee makers can come as single serve, and can compliment larger units in a kitchen for larger families.


Espresso Coffee Makers


When coffee lovers are looking for Espresso machines, they realize that these coffee makers differ in that they give the coffee drinker more control and convenience over the process from start to finish and give the coffee drinker, the opportunity to brew with fresh, whole bean coffee which is always more flavorful, fresh, and aromatic. With most modern espresso machines, an electric pump is used to create high water pressure.

Excellent espresso machines deliver water to the coffee at a predictable pressure and temperature to make that perfect espresso. Most espresso machines also have a steam wand which warms and adds texture to the milk, providing the creation of cappuccinos and lattes which we all know and love. The espresso machines are more sophisticated than regular coffee makers, and come in small to large machines based on usage, and quantity of coffee enjoyed.


Capsule coffee Machines    


It is very convenient to wake up in the morning and just do three simple steps. Pick up a coffee capsule of your favorite flavor. Put it in your capsule coffee maker and place a cup or mug for your coffee. Press the button and wait for the brewing to be done. Very easy!

But, there’s a caveat to that convenience. Some capsule coffee machines are expensive, with pricey capsules/pods, as well, but worth every penny for its results. Your return on your investment is convenience through automation, and you also get some of the highest quality coffee you’ll taste, with an infinite of diversified delicious flavor

Super Automatic Coffee Machines                                                


Super-automatics, also known as bean-to-cup espresso machines, are a modern and more convenient take on traditional manual espresso machines. They feature internal components that grind, tamp, and brew your espresso and then dump the coffee pucks into a dump drawer. This takes the guesswork out of dialing in the right grind size, properly and
evenly tamping the coffee, and brewing so that your drink comes out just right.

Super-automatic espresso machines are perfect for coffee and espresso lovers who love to brew and go. Many super-automatics offer high-end features including touchscreen
displays, Bluetooth connections via a smartphone, a dedicated milk carafe so milk never passes through the machine, keeping things clean
and hygienic, and programmability and customization allowing users to adjust milk temperature, coffee strength, coffee volume and even create profiles to store your preferences for next time.

Takeaways Before Buying

Whether your tastes tend toward espresso drinks or you’re happy with a simple cup of black coffee, the right coffee maker is out there for you, and its based on individual needs, taste, and living style. Based on the above definitions of types, options, features, size, cost, and the type of coffee you like, you should have a better idea for what type of coffee maker fits you best.

Even if you go for one of the higher end models available, you stand to save money in comparison to all those trips to the closest coffee shop, so don’t let the upfront cost deter you, it will pay for itself. You may soon find yourself hooked on the particular flavors you work up in your own kitchen with no desire to go back to the drinks made by baristas.

If you have any comments, please leave them below, I’d love to hear from you. If you’re a coffee lover and a dog lover check these pet supplements.

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7 thoughts on “What’s the best coffee maker – How do you pick one?”

  1. Hi there!

    I have to say I love coffee with all of my heart and this post was amazing! Thanks for the information, I was thinking about buying a new coffee maker and this post was just what I needed. It has reliable information and it helped me decide what I was going to buy!

    Thanks a lot!

    • Thank you Juan,

      It’s great to meet another coffee lover, and I hope my post gave you some food for thought on which coffee maker fits you best in today’s crowded market!



  2. Yes, I am a coffee lover! I can’t live in a day without it. It gives me more ideas to know more about how it prepares aside from traditional preparation. I love the presentation of different types of coffee maker from traditional to a sophisticated one. I just know is to smell and sip my coffee!

    • Lyn, I feel the same way about coffee, and I’m passionate enough to share all my knowledge about coffee with other coffee lovers. Thank you,


  3. I am looking for a simple non electric pot where you pour boiling water in a. The top and it drops over the grounds and into the container. I want a small one that I can use to make 2 cups

  4. Hello there! this is an amazing review you have got here. I am very sure the quality informations here will be of great help to anyone who come across it. I also prefer the Non-Electric Brewers as they are typically more affordable than electric coffee makers. They are also more compact, small enough to store in cupboards rather than leaving on the countertop.

    • Hi Joy, thank you for your comments. I also agree with you. Many non-electric coffee makers like the French press, makes some of the best coffee out there, and you can take them with you. Good choice,




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